
Components is a research project that assembles, investigates, and editorializes large datasets. We make most of the data collected for our research freely available on our Datasets page.

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  • Andrew Thompson

  • Kyle Paoletta

  • Jules Becker

  • Claire Peters

Press and studies

Classification of human- and AI-generated texts for different languages and domains - International Journal of Speech Technology, 12/4/2024

The United States of Automobiles - Business Insider, 10/20/2024

Robinhood, Reddit, and the news: The impact of traditional and social media on retail investor trading - Journal of Financial Markets, 7/9/2024

News Media Framing of Suicide Circumstances and Gender: Mixed Methods Analysis - JMIR Mental Health, 7/3/2024

Living in the Hub: A Platform Study of Desire Semantics - Knowledge@UChicago, 5/13/2024

Mirroring the inequalities of mainstream music platforms: popularity, revenue, and monetization strategies on Bandcamp - International Journal of Cultural Policy, 5/13/2024

A Dataset for The Study of Online Radicalization Through Incel Forum Archives - Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 4/12/2024

The Many Lives of ‘Sounds of North American Frogs’ - Atlas Obscura, 1/23/2024

American journalism sounds much more Democratic than Republican - The Economist, 12/14/2023

Why did the metaverse die? Because Silicon Valley doesn’t understand the concept of fun - Fast Company, 10/15/2023

How Bandcamp makes more money than Spotify - Fast Company, 10/5/2023

Text-to-Image Generation Tools: A Survey and NSFW Content Analysis - Companion Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Multmedia and the Web, 10/23/2023

Billboard 200: The Lessons of Musical Success in the US - Music & Science, 7/12/2023

Moral Framing of Mental Health Discourse and Its Relationship to Stigma: A Comparison of Social Media and News - Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 4/23/2023

Goal Driven Discovery of Distributional Differences via Language Descriptions - Advances in Neural Processing Information Systems 36, 2/23/2023

Using word embedding models to capture changing media discourses - Journal of Computational Social Science, 9/16/2022

COVID-19 and Changing Values - Values for a Post-Pandemic Future, 9/14/2022

Bandcamp und Epic Games: Ein halbes Jahr später – kritische Betrachtung - DJ Lab, 9/2/2022

Lumen: A Machine Learning Framework to Expose Influence Cues in Text - Frontiers in Computer Science, 8/3/2021

Gender bias recognition in political news articles - Machine Learning with Applications, 6/15/2022

The Future of Streaming Services May Be In The Past - The New Inquiry, 6/2/2022

Mining for Fake News - Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 3/31/2022

What Is the Future of Digital Music After Bandcamp & Epic Games Acquisition? - Remezcla, 3/30/2022

What does Epic Games buying Bandcamp mean for DIY music? - Resident Advisor, 3/16/2022

The Best Online Articles of 2021 - Ted Goia, 12/16/2021

L'insatiable appétit des "Tech review" pour le design pornographique - Mais où va le Web?, 11/24/2021

Cultural cartography with word embeddings - Poetics, October 2021

What Spotify Follower Ratio Tells Us About Artist Growth and Fan Engagement - Chartmetric, 6/1/2021

Tous les genres musicaux et leur répartition sur la planète, dans une carte interactive - tsugi, 1/22/2021

Disinformation: analysis and identification - Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 06/18/2021

Bandcamp a créé une carte interactive regroupant tous les genres musicaux de chaque ville - Trax, 01/25/2021

The disturbing belly of the 'step' porn trend - Mashable, 8/10/2020

Questa estensione vuole fottere l’algoritmo dei suggeriti di Pornhub - Vice Italy, 12/20/2019

Building a Topic Modeling Pipeline with spaCy and Gensim - Towards Data Science, 9/17/2019

Trump et Twitter, c'est 24 heures sur 24 - Le Soir, 1/17/2019

GraphBTM: Graph Enhanced Autoencoded Variational Inference for Biterm Topic Model - Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 1/1/2018